What is new compared to the original Options Paycheck?

First, let me say, the core trading system is the same. The changes were made to how we teach you the system, what we do to support you and help you implement the system. It’s all about getting results and that’s what we focused on. 

Here’s a high-level overview of the main changes. 

  • Module Structure – We made the modules more step-by-step, so each module builds on the one before it. As you go through each module, you’re getting closer and closer to the desired outcome. Additionally, each module is now made of several shorter lessons instead of one, hour long module. The course will be easier to consume in smaller bite-sized chunks. 😊 
  • More Time Implementing – Instead of 7+1, we’re doing 4+4. Let me explain… Instead of spending seven weeks teaching you the content, which only left one week to implement…We’re going to use the first four weeks helping you understand & master the concepts of the Paycheck system. We’ll then spend the next four weeks helping you implement the system! That way we can be there to help you place trades!